What is Reiki ?
Reiki is a Japanese technique that is used for stress reduction and relaxation. Anytime the body is in a relaxed state healing is promoted and you get a boost in immune function. Rei means universal and Ki means life force energy. Reiki is an energy practice. The technique that is used at Inner Lotus Wellness LLC is Usui Reiki that was rediscovered by Mikao Usui in the early 1900's, during a meditative experience. The practitioner is feeling for any areas of stagnation, coldness or blockages in the energy and then acts as a conduit for universal energy to assist the client's energy in finding balance. Universal energy is an energy that flows through all living things. We all feel are best emotionally and physically when our energy is in balance.
What happens during a Reiki session at Inner Lotus Wellness LLC. The Client lays on a massage table fully clothed. Gentle music will be played or not at the client's discretion. The practitioner will hold hands over certain parts of the client's body. There could be gentle touch or no contact, once again at the client's discretion. We could affect the body's energy either way.
Reiki is currently being used in some hospitals and being studied by NIH.